Learning Disability Evaluations


Dyslexia & Reading Disorders

Mathematic Disorders

Disorders of Written Expression

Disorders of Written Expression

CPN offers comprehensive learning disability evaluations. 

Evaluations conducted at CPN are comprehensive in order to ensure the most accurate diagnosis and to offer child-specific treatment recommendations.  Evaluations often include not only assessment of cognitive abilities and academic skills, but also underlying fundamental neuropsychological skills such as language abilities, visual perceptual skills, attention, and learning/memory which may significantly contribute to a child's learning and functioning.  Analysis of patterns of functioning in these skills can also assist in determining "at risk" profiles for younger children so that remediation can begin earlier in the child's academic career. 

Evaluations for Learning Disabilities are often not covered by insurance companies.  In certain situations, however, portions of the evaluation may be covered if your child also has symptoms of a psychiatric disorder or has an underlying medical condition.  Please contact us to discuss your child's specific concerns and we will advise you regarding fees associated with this type of evaluation.

Get an evaluation with CPN.